Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Eric Zener opens tomorrow from 5:30 - 7:30. Come down to see this amazing show in person!

Saturday, October 20, 2012

We had a party at Eric Zener's studio last night! It was a lot of fun and so good to see so many friends and clients!

Cordelia in front of 'Unwinding', which she was the model for!

Charles and art consultant Stephanie Brietbard

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Marianne Kolb, Storrow Drive/North Station at Hespe Gallery

Hespe Gallery is pleased to announce a solo exhibition of new works by Marianne Kolb. An opening reception will be held on Thursday, October 4, 2012 from 5:30 – 7:30 PM. The exhibition will continue until October 27, 2012.
Storrow Drive/North Station references an unidentified photograph in which an elderly woman stands laden down with bags. Marianne Kolb, upon seeing the image, misread the title as "sorrow drive". That happenstance was a catalyst for a body of work that addresses stereotypes, misperceptions and societal interaction.

In her exploration of the human condition, Kolb uses materials as a guide, revealing layers in a tangible metaphor. In this pursuit, Kolb is convinced that the boundaries of our physicality both define and separate us from each other; the underlying depth, a representative of the ideal. 

Kim Cogan named one of the 25 top artists of tomorrow!